Monday 3 November 2008

And he's back.. in black or blue?

Well.. it's been a good couple of years since I last wrote in a blog of any kind. So allow me to enlighten you - the last time I wrote in a blog, I felt alone. I'd just started at college and a blog was my way of venting. It was also my thoughts on things such like crushes on a particular girl. Suffice to say - I'm well and truly over that now!

Fast forward. I'm now in my... well, third year, really, of University. Let's just say.. Accounting didn't agree with me, but Business Administration has so far. The time is 19:07, I've just completed Monday of Week 6 at UKC. And I'm still enjoying it. So what gives? That, unfortunately, is private.

But what isn't private is the obscene amount of work I now have on my plate. Assignments are as follows:

1) CB302 test (Managers) - Complete
2) CB540 (Accounting) Test - Tuesday
3) CB302 presentation - Wednesday
4) CB519 (Human Resources) essay plan - Tuesday

So.. 25% down, pretty much. There are other things that need doing as well on top of that. Thank God I have Reading Week next week, else I think I'd begin to go mad and spout on about the Accounting concepts, or what Motivation is to random passers-by. But.. that ain't a bad thing. I mean, this time last year you wouldn't catch me dead talking about the mathematical torment that was Principles of Finance.

Other things outside of Uni are good. Amy's happy.. and so am I (can't wait to see her in July!). She really liked her birthday present. Now I need to think of what to get her for Christmas. Something to do with dragons, for sure. I'll talk about work when I'm not so cold, and not hungry.

Thought for the day: Don't waste your time, or time will waste you.

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